Andrea's Blog

Amaterasu the Sun Goddess of Japan

Amaterasu, the Shinto sun goddess of Japan, is represented by several sacred objects and symbols, including:The rising sunThe emblem of the rising sun on the Japanese flag represents Amaterasu as the guardian of the Japanese people.MirrorsAmaterasu is associated with mirrors, which are one of her sacred symbols. During Golden Week in Japan, it's a tradition to open windows and curtains to let in the light, then reflect it throughout the home with a hand mirror.Other objectsOther sacred objects that symbolize Amaterasu's authority over the Japanese people include a beaded necklace and a sword. The sword is still in the collection of the Japanese Imperial Family today. 

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As I return from Japan I bring back with me a wealth of understanding of self. In Japan the lineage is strong viable and soft feeling. I feel as though I have regained my strength and power through her softness and now have a new perspective on life. I did not know what to expect before I went, but I now understand my journey. Life is a puzzle some times, and the pieces are at times unknowingly hidden.   

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The Dragon Energy

The dragon energy is an ancient old energy, who lived on earth way before human kind was in the picture. They live in the astral dimensions, and are very strongly connected to ley lines and earth power grids.

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